The neutral and web-based data exchange platform "agrirouter" enables simple data exchange between machines and agricultural software products of different manufacturers and providers. This was previously not feasible for farmers and contractors with mixed machinery. Using any farmer or contractor can create a free account and compile their own tailored system of machines and agricultural software solutions. With the agrirouter a USB stick is no longer required. If the CCI 800 or CCI 1200 ISOBUS terminal is connected with the agrirouter, order data and application maps can be conveniently transferred via the internet. The internet connection is easy to establish with the CCI W10 Wi-Fi adapter. With a mobile phone’s hotspot function, an internet connection for connecting the CCI’s ISOBUS terminals can also be established in the field. All BERGMANN vehicles, provided they are equipped with a BERGMANN control unit and are operated with a CCI 800, CCI 1200 or any other ISOBUS- and agrirouter-compatible terminal, are capable of conveniently transmitting machine, GPS and order data in ISO XML format to the desired end points via the agrirouter. With agrirouter, the user can specify what machine and GPS data will be transmitted to various agricultural software systems, such as a Farm Management Information System (FMIS).